List 5 practical skills that you have developed. when have they proved useful?
1. More effective use of software - useful for all digital work.
2. Screen printing - has, and will continue to prove useful for any quality prints.
3. Scalpal skills - spending hours cutting out a single stencil definitely was worth it...
4. Cleaning skills - apparently I am the only person out of 6 in my flat that know how to clean...
5. Book binding - Now I can make books all the time!YEAH! opens options for future projects.
List 5 transferable skills that you have developed. What have you used them for?
1. Improved time management (a little) - keeping up to date with projects and blogging.
2. Communication skills improved - Find it easier to communicate ideas within a group. Useful when collaborating.
3. Presentation skills - useful for any crits or presentation.
4. Team skills - communicate and contribute effectively in a group
5. I.T skills - being more adept with a computer is useful for everything
List 5 things you have achieved. How have they helped you progress?
1. Living independantly - been able to mature (slightly) and stay alive.
2. Staying motivated and not giving up on briefs while in college. Allows me to work more effectively.
3. Made some friends - Having people to take time out from work with.
4. A six tier (beef) cake - runner up in typogateaux (almost)
5. Winning premier division seven a-side league with Richmond Argyle. Become a champion
List 5 problems that you have had to face. how have you overcome them?
1. Mental blocks - Taking time out and staying focused.
2. Leaving things too late - working stupidly quickly and late towards the deadline
3. Flatmate - mostly idiots that write stupid notes and punch holes in walls.
4. Distractions - Removed them and tried to stay focused.
5. presentation/confidence - Just tried to go for it...
List 5 facts that you have learnt. When have they been useful?
1. Sky plaza is the tallest student accomodation in the world...what if brief.
2. Backing up your entire home drive to a memory stick is not a good idea.
3. The digital print room is the busiest place ever, second only to tesco at lunch
4. people on bikes wearing spandex should not be allowed to ride through uni campus and should be sectioned.
5. Richmond argyle are champions! champs league here we come - helped me stay active.
List 5 things that you will never do again. why?
1. Drink heavily and stay out way past bedtime prior to a 9:30 briefing. just unpleasant.
2. Spend money on things I don't need at all. poverty.
3. Live another year with my current flatmates.
4. Take too long to make decisions. will cause problems later.
5. Ask the people at reception a question about the post. Will take you on a runaround ending in Fred's office making you look a considerable fool.
Words to describe the way you work as part of a group.
Qualities you most appreciate about yourself
Attitudes describing the way you worked at the beginning of the group brief
laid back
Attitudes describing the way you work now.
Laid back