
Self evaluation - alphabet soup... 10 letterforms.

What is being communicated & how?
The starting point for my ten letterforms was the word divide, and I wanted to take the simplest route possible as I have often found myself pondering over concept a week into a brief (a week brief not being a good one to do this on) and the simplest ideas often being the best option. Having the idea of breaking the letterforms up in as literal a sense as possible from the onset gave me much more time to work on my visuals. The face I developed from Myriad Pro, using a grid to divide the characters in illustrator and then breaking them up sequentially. I then added an offset stroke inspired by the selection tool in illustrator and giving another dimension in which the letterform could be broken up.

How well does this answer the brief? & why?
I think because of the simplicity of the concept it answered the brief fairly comprehensively, with the visuals deriving directly from the definition of divide itself.

How well has the idea been visually explored?
I think it was fairly thoroughly explored with a good range of initial starting points and experimentation. However I think I could have done more varied and thorough research to inform my outcomes despite that which I collected being very helpful.

What are the strengths of the resolution?
The main strength of the resolution I think is the consistency of visuals and the strength of the translation from initial ideas and work within my sketchbook to finished outcomes. Overall I am pleased with how the letterforms work as a series which I think could prove quite useful moving on in the module.

How could it be improved?
One way it could have been improved overall would have been to rely less on the computer and taken a more hand rendered approach to the outcomes. This in conjunction with the computer software may have led to more interesting outcomes.

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